Bre #26 - English Style Belgian Dubbel IPA

We went camping in Acadia National Park recently, and one night around the campfire (after a few beers, naturally), we had the idea to riff on a couple styles. It culminated in trying to brew a dubbel, but overhopping it with English style hops. Hence the brew title - English Style Belgian Dubbel IPA. Here goes nothing! 


9.375lbs. Dried Malt Extract
4lbs. Crystal 20 Malt
2lbs. Munich Malt
3lbs. Belgian Candi Sugar
4oz Fuggles (4.2%AA)
2oz Kent Goldings (4.9%AA)
WLP550 Belgian Ale Liquid Yeast

Brew Method

July 23, 2011 
We steeped the munich and crystal in muslin bags while the water heated, and removed them after about a half hour (still not boiling). In all, it took an hour to get to boil. Hrm. Maybe next time we try the BIG burner. :) 

Added 2oz Fuggles (4.2%AA) 
Added 3.375lbs DME 

Added 2oz Kent Goldings (4.9%AA) 

Added 1oz Fuggles (4.2%AA) 

Added 1oz Fuggles (4.2% AA) 
Added 2 tspn Irish Moss 
Added 6lbs DME 
Added 3lbs Belgian Candi Sugar 

Heat's off, chiller's hooked up, wooooosh. Sadly, it appears we got merely 7 gallons of wort. We began with 11 gallons of water, which leads me to believe we lost more due to saturating the steeped grains as well as a gallon to water-steam conversion. It just strikes me as odd, because we hit our target OG of 1.066. 

This leads me to conclude that we got no conversion of starches from the steeped grains, and the candi sugar could not have contributed much in the way of gravity points at all. I'm talking like, 13ppppg. 

Regardless, the beer's off fermenting in the basement. Hooray beer! 


July 23, 2011
In the fermenters

June, 2014
Never quite got around to doing anything with these. They reeked of apple cider when we eventually cracked them. Down the drain :( 



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