Brew #25 - Coffee Stout

After having no opportunity to brew for over a year (due in large part to my - Mike - having moved ~50 minutes away), we resolved to fix that problem and just brew extract. On a personal note, it's not as much fun for me (I love mashing!) but brewing is brewing is brewing. 

So, we decided to try one of our favorite brews we made, and that's the Coffee Stout. A little adjustment for extract and voila. 


9lbs Dried Malt Extract
1lb. Crystal 60 Malt
0.75lbs. Roasted Barley
0.75lbs. Black Patent
0.75lbs. Chocolate Malt
6oz Fuggles (4.5%AA)
WLP004 Irish Ale Liquid Yeast

Brew Method

June 18, 2011 
We steeped all the grains in the boil pot as it came to a boil. Once it did, we added ~1/3 of our DME and began our hop additions. 

Added 2oz Fuggles (4.5%AA) 

Added 2oz Fuggles (4.5%AA) 

Added 2oz Fuggles (4.5%AA) 

Added 2 tspn Irish Moss 

Killed the heat and hooked up the counterflow chiller. Our OG was 1.046, which oddly was less than our all-grain brew nearly three years (THREE YEARS???) ago. 


June 18, 2011 
Racked into the primary fermenters. Nice krausens. 

July 9, 2011 
Racked to secondary, on top of crushed coffee beans (NOT GROUND). 


July 23, 2011 
Bottled all the beer, got a FG of 1.014, yielding ~4.2% ABV. Not too shabby. 53 x 22oz bottles in total. W00t! 


  • Being that we hadn't brewed in over a year, some things took a while to come back to us... such as muslin bags for hop additions.

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