Brew #20 - Par Four IPA

We originally intended to brew this in March. Unfortunately, the well-documented case of equipment failure resulted in our not brewing until August. Dammit. But all is well, for Brewday™ has returned! 


This is just a tiny tweak of our previous IPA (Third Shot IPA), with just a few things changed a little. 
17 lbs Pale Malt
2lbs Crystal 40°L
2oz Chinook (14 %AA)
2oz Centennial (9 %AA)
WLP001 Pacific Coast Ale yeast

Mash Method

August 8, 2009 
Initial strike water temperature was 175° (as read on the thermometer in the HLT). After striking, our initial mash temperature was 133°. Crap! After investigation, it turns out the thermometer in the HLT is not calibrated properly (a discrepancy of ~20°). So after heating the HLT up further, we circulated our mash to get a temperature of 153°, and held it there for an hour. We mixed it up every ten minutes or so with readings to confirm optimum mash temp. 

At one point in the mash, the line exiting the mash tun came loose and spewed a little bit of wort on the ground for a minute or so while we were in the house. Crap! 

After our hour long mash, we gave it another stir and vorlaufed for 20 minutes. Then we lautered into the boil pot, and sparged with 6 gallons of 170° water. Mixed that up and vorlaufed for another twenty minutes. Lautered that, then sparged with three more gallons of 170° water. Mixed, vorlaufed, lautered. 11.5 gallons in the brew pot. 

Brew Method

August 8, 2009 
We achieved a little bit of a boil over with our hot break, but didn't lose much. Hop additions were as follows: 

Added 1 oz Chinook 

Added 1 oz Chinook 

Added 1 oz Centennial 

Added 1 oz Centennial 
Added 2 tsp Irish Moss 

At T=0min we killed the burner, and whirlpooled the hot wort to get sediment to settle conically. Hooked up our handy dandy new counterflow chiller, and let 'er rip. 

In all, we got 9 gallons of 1.043 OG wort, probably due to losing much of our first runnings to the ground when the line busted out. 


August 8, 2009 
Fermenters set aside in my climate-controlled bedroom. 

August 9, 2009 
Fermentation has begun! Hooray! Both fermenters are exhibiting a healthy krausen. 

August 21, 2009 
Racked to secondary. Took FG readings as well, which were 1.006, giving us an abv of 4.9%. 


January ???, 2010 
Bottled the IPA and got 46 bottles. w00t. 


Most are not well-carbonated. The rest are not carbonated at all. It would appear leaving the beer in the secondary fermenter for so long allowed the yeast to die, so no carbonation occured. Dammit. It still tastes alright, though. 


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