Saturday, July 19, 2014

Events of today's brew

Well today was a very successful brew day. We brewed ten gallons of a brown ale and discovered some more old kegs of years-old homebrew. There's some good stuff to note here, so let's get started.

For info on the brown ale brew, click here.

Before we even started brewing, we decided to take a look at the two kegs we'd found, and hooked up an exit line. Out of the first one came some delicious oatmeal stout, which was apparently the second keg (of two) that I described in the previous post. This was also absolutely delicious. Velvety smooth, nutty and aromatic. While we'd have loved to drink more of it, we resolved to put it toward topping off the whiskey barrel already containing ~2.5-3 gallons of the same brew. We'll be taking care of that in a few days.

The second keg turned out to be one of our doppelbocks. Eric insists that we fermented it in the keg, but it had to be at most a secondary. There was certainly a large degree of yeast that came out with the beer, but not nearly enough as to suggest a primary fermentation. Regardless, our plan is to cold crash this keg and pump the rest of the yeast out, thereby allowing us to enjoy this fine brew at long last.

Now, lastly, our Black IPA has been in the bottles for a week, and so it'll be ready for mass consumption in one more week. Since we're (at least attempting to be) making a resurgent comeback in brewing, we're both looking to pass around a few to coworkers, friends and family. In light of that, I devised a label that we'll be affixing to the bottles. It's pretty killer:

Anyways, nothing else to report. That's it for today, now time to start planning the next brew!

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Well, we're back! It's been a long three years but we've finally gotten back to brewing again. Granted, as of this writing, we've only gotten one brew under our belts (since the three year hiatus) with another one planned in two days' time, but we've got determination and, more importantly, our wives' support.

Tell ya what, it feels great to be back in the saddle.


This past weekend we bottled our newest creation, a black IPA. Check out its page here.

OH OH OH. Also we found three corny kegs that apparently still contained beer. We hooked a line up to one of the exit ports and a delicious oatmeal stout came out. This was brewed SIX YEARS AGO. And it was still delicious. Well, I'd since purchased a 5 gal whiskey barrel that was sitting dormant, so we racked that stout right in. As of this writing it's been 5 days and the aroma pouring out is absolutely heavenly. Can't wait to bottle that!

Anyways, up next we're looking at a brown ale. We've got a recipe in the works (basically an extract tweak of this, and can't wait to brew!

Lastly, if you're looking for the old blog for nostalgia, here's the URL:

I forgot the login/PW so I can't even point anyone here. Oh well.  Found it! Added a post pointing here!

Anyways, cheers to beers!